Como cada año, se realiza el Flashmode, festival de moda organizado por la Alianza Francesa de Lima en donde se exponen nuevos talentos del diseño. Dentro de los premios que se otorgan está el de la revista Somos que consiste en un editorial más una entrevista. La ganadora fue Pía Ojeda y este es el resultado en donde el concepto venía de usar el positivo y negativo de de tal forma que se realcen las formas y siluetas.Enjoy
Like every year, there is Flashmode, fashion festival organized by the Alliance Française de Lima where it showcases new fashion design talent. Among the awards given is the one from Somos magazine that consists in an editorial plus an interview. The winner was Pia Ojeda and this is the result where the concept came to use the positive and negative to enhance shapes and silhouettes.Enjoy
Like every year, there is Flashmode, fashion festival organized by the Alliance Française de Lima where it showcases new fashion design talent. Among the awards given is the one from Somos magazine that consists in an editorial plus an interview. The winner was Pia Ojeda and this is the result where the concept came to use the positive and negative to enhance shapes and silhouettes.Enjoy
Photo: Vito Mirr
Fashion Styling & Art Direction: Antonio Choy Kay & Gerardo Larrea
Model: Jimena Elías
Makeup: Nando Mesía
Hair: Susana Leyva