Una nueva temporada de desfiles acaba de terminar y aquí les muestro el primer resumen del New York Fashion Week, que por novena temporada tengo la oportunidad de asistir y ver las colecciones.
En esta ocasión fueron 30 desfiles y presentaciones de los creadores que pude apreciar, lo interesante es que vi tanto talento ya establecido como nuevas promesas que le dan un nuevo aire a la ciudad. Enjoy
A new season of shows has just ended and here am I showing the first summary of New York Fashion Week, which for the ninth time I have the opportunity to attend and see the collections.
On this occasion were 30 shows and presentations of the designers who I could see, the interesting thing is that I saw both established and new talent and promises to give new life to the city. Enjoy
En esta ocasión fueron 30 desfiles y presentaciones de los creadores que pude apreciar, lo interesante es que vi tanto talento ya establecido como nuevas promesas que le dan un nuevo aire a la ciudad. Enjoy
A new season of shows has just ended and here am I showing the first summary of New York Fashion Week, which for the ninth time I have the opportunity to attend and see the collections.
On this occasion were 30 shows and presentations of the designers who I could see, the interesting thing is that I saw both established and new talent and promises to give new life to the city. Enjoy
Fashion editors and backstage Photos: Antonio Choy Kay & Gerardo Larrea