Aqui un nuevo trabajo publicado, un editorial para la nueva revista Maju presentando las nuevas coleccioens de otoño invierno de los diseñadores peruanos,y teniendo como protragonista a Juanita Burga,quien dedicó un día de sus vacaciones para poder trabajar y divertirse en este shooting. Enjoy
Here it is a new published work, an editorial for the new Maju magazine featuring the fall winter collections from peruavian designers,and having as a star Juanita Burga, who dedicated one day from her vacations to work and have fun at this shooting. Enjoy
Here it is a new published work, an editorial for the new Maju magazine featuring the fall winter collections from peruavian designers,and having as a star Juanita Burga, who dedicated one day from her vacations to work and have fun at this shooting. Enjoy