Definitivamente ver las colecciones de otoño invierno es un lujo,es donde la moda y sus exponentes realmente sacan sus mejores propuestas y es lo que marca el año de la moda.Esta temporada vimos colecciones de NY y Paris, cubriendo lo mejor de ambas ciudades.Este es un pequeño resumen visual para la revista Privée.Voilá
There is no doubt that watching the fall winter 2012 collections is a luxury,where fashion and their best exponents shows the best proposals and that marks the start of the year in fashion.This season we split and saw collecctions in New York and Paris, covergin the best of both cities. This is a small visual wrap up for Privée Magazine.Voilá
There is no doubt that watching the fall winter 2012 collections is a luxury,where fashion and their best exponents shows the best proposals and that marks the start of the year in fashion.This season we split and saw collecctions in New York and Paris, covergin the best of both cities. This is a small visual wrap up for Privée Magazine.Voilá
Fashion editors in NY and Paris: Antonio Choy-Kay (Paris) & Gerardo Larrea (New York)