Sin duda un Proenza Schouler es de lo más resaltante de la escena de moda de NY, tuvimos la gran oportunidad de estar presentes en el backstage de su desfile primavera verano 2012 y aquí está la campaña gráfica de la colección. Protagonizado por la top Natasha Poly,fotografiada por Willy Vanderperre y el styling a cargo de Olivier Rizzo.Vanderperre se ha convertido en uno de mis fotografos favoritos con una estética muy precisa por momentos poética y por otras intelectual, en esta campaña me encanta el aire de pin-up y que tenga un enfoque directo y sin pretensiones en los que cae la moda a veces,haciendo de ésta una de mis campañas favoritas hasta ahora. En cuanto al beauty, el maquillaje lo Hizo Diane Kendall y el peinado Recine. Pronto todas las fotos de backstage de la colección primavera verano 2012.Enjoy
There is no doubt that Proenza Schouler is one of the hot tickets from NY fashion scene, we had the opportunity to be at their backstage for spring summer 2012 collection, and here it is the ad capaign for that collection. The model is russian top model Natasha Poly who was shot by Willy Vanderperre and styled by Olivier Rizzo. Vanderperre has become one of my favorite photographers with a very precise aesthetic at times poetic, and by other intellectual ,in this campaign I love the modern pin-up mood air and the direct and unpretentious approach in which fashion falls at times,making this campaign one of my favorites so far.Makeup was done by Diane Kendal and hair by Recine. Soom i´ll be doing a post with all backstage access we had for spring summer 2012 collection. Enjoy
There is no doubt that Proenza Schouler is one of the hot tickets from NY fashion scene, we had the opportunity to be at their backstage for spring summer 2012 collection, and here it is the ad capaign for that collection. The model is russian top model Natasha Poly who was shot by Willy Vanderperre and styled by Olivier Rizzo. Vanderperre has become one of my favorite photographers with a very precise aesthetic at times poetic, and by other intellectual ,in this campaign I love the modern pin-up mood air and the direct and unpretentious approach in which fashion falls at times,making this campaign one of my favorites so far.Makeup was done by Diane Kendal and hair by Recine. Soom i´ll be doing a post with all backstage access we had for spring summer 2012 collection. Enjoy
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