En junio escribí acerca de la colaboración entre H&M el retailer sueco y la casa de moda italiana Versace. Pues bien ahora a tan solo un mes de su lanzamiento a nivel mundial,ya vió la luz la campaña publicitaria fotografiada por la dupla Mert&Marcus y como protagonistas tiene a Abbey Lee Kershaw, Sasha Pivovarova, Daphne Groeneveld y Lindsey Wixon. Básicamente la colección y la campaña es un resumen de lo mejor de las colecciones e imágenes más icónicas de la marca en su existencia. Enjoy
In June I posted about the collaboration between the swedish retailer H&M and Italian fashion house Versace. Well now just a month before its worldwide launch, the ad campaign saw the light. The images photographed by Mert & Marcus duo has as protagonists models Abbey Lee Kershaw, Sasha Pivovarova, Daphne Broeneveld and Lindsey Wixon. Basically the collection and the campaign is a summary of the best of collections and the iconic images of the brand in its existence. Enjoy
In June I posted about the collaboration between the swedish retailer H&M and Italian fashion house Versace. Well now just a month before its worldwide launch, the ad campaign saw the light. The images photographed by Mert & Marcus duo has as protagonists models Abbey Lee Kershaw, Sasha Pivovarova, Daphne Broeneveld and Lindsey Wixon. Basically the collection and the campaign is a summary of the best of collections and the iconic images of the brand in its existence. Enjoy