Último día del fashion week. Lo más resaltante del día fue el desfile de Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein y Marc Jacobs. En una nota aparte nuestro compatriota Sergio Dávila presentó su colección en el Lincoln Center. Finalmente el show de Arise de Africa contó con un mini concierto de la británica Leona Lewis. Luego de 30 desfiles y muchas horas sin dormir ya espero ansioso la siguiente temporada.Enjoy
Last day of fashion week. The most striking of the day was Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein and Marc Jacobs shows. On a side note our compatriot Sergio Davila presented his collection at Lincoln Center. Finally Arise from Africa show featured a mini concert by the British Leona Lewis. After 30 shows and many hours without sleep and I look forward to the next season.Enjoy
All Images©Antonio Choy-Kay. Reproduction Prohibited
Last day of fashion week. The most striking of the day was Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein and Marc Jacobs shows. On a side note our compatriot Sergio Davila presented his collection at Lincoln Center. Finally Arise from Africa show featured a mini concert by the British Leona Lewis. After 30 shows and many hours without sleep and I look forward to the next season.Enjoy
All Images©Antonio Choy-Kay. Reproduction Prohibited