La nueva campaña otoño invierno de Fina tiene un look setentero plasmado en un recorrido urbano y sofisticado. La colección consta de tweeds con interesantes mezclas cromáticas, pantalones palazzo, faldas al tobillo, y una paleta de color hacia los tierras con puntos de color como el amarillo y el naranja, con presencia del blanco y negro.Enjoy
Fina's new fall winter campaign has a seventies look reflected in a sophisticated urban travel. The Collection consists of tweeds with interesting color mixing, palazzo pants, skirts to the ankle, and a color palette focused on the earth and brown tones with color highlights as yellow and orange,and also with black and white presence.Enjoy
Fina's new fall winter campaign has a seventies look reflected in a sophisticated urban travel. The Collection consists of tweeds with interesting color mixing, palazzo pants, skirts to the ankle, and a color palette focused on the earth and brown tones with color highlights as yellow and orange,and also with black and white presence.Enjoy
Photo: Miguel Jose Flores
Fashion Styling & Creative Direction: Antonio Choy Kay & Gerardo Larrea
Model: Micaela Galvez
Hair&makeup: Bertha Yanama