Un editorial que tuvo varias fuentes de inspiración como a Kate Lamphear, editora de moda de Elle US, el mítico club de New York CBBG y el punk, fue el que hicimos para la nueva revista Estilo Somos. Enjoy
An editorial that had several inspirations like Kate Lamphear,Elle US fashion editor, the mythic new york club, CBBG and punk music. The result on the following pages. Enjoy
An editorial that had several inspirations like Kate Lamphear,Elle US fashion editor, the mythic new york club, CBBG and punk music. The result on the following pages. Enjoy
Photo: Miguel Jose Flores
Contributing Fashion Editors: Antonio Choy Kay & Gerardo Larrea
Model: Joice Buttenbender
Hair & Makeup: Emerson Luján
Production: Elefante Producciones