La historia mostraba a estos 3 personajes occidentales que habían adquirido parte de la cultura hindú y de su ambiente. y eso se traduce en que su vestimenta incluía ciertos elementos propios de la cultura como los turbantes,el tipo de vestimenta más holgada,los accesorios,etc.
Cabe destacar el esfuerzo de una marca local por realizar un trabajo único y con un equipo creativo peruano.Espero les guste. Enjoy
This is the Renzo Costa Fall Winter 2010 campaign, photographed entirely in India;Mumbai and Jaipur specifically,two of its major cities. They were four days of intense shooting which provided a unique experience that is captured in these photographs.
The story showed these three occidental characters who had acquired part of Indian culture and its environment. and that translated in the way of dressing that included certain elements of culture as the turbans, the more comfortable type of clothing, accessories, etc.
Let´s remark the effort of a local brand by making a project with a peruvian creative team.Hope you like it. Enjoy
Photo: Vito Mirr
Fashion Styling: Gerardo Larrea & Antonio Choy Kay