Una gran pérdida enluta el mundo de la moda. Corinne Day, afamada fotógrafa quien se hiciera famosa a principios de los 90’s por sus fotografías care-free y por ser una de las impulsoras de la carrera de Kate Moss, ha perdido su lucha contra un tumor cerebral. Aparentemente el tratamiento fue poco exitoso debido a la gravedad de la enfermedad. El año pasado cuando sus amigos, entre ellos Kate Moss, se enteraron de su enfermedad hicieron una subasta de sus fotografías más representativas. Incluso se estaba preparando una retrospectiva en el museo Victoria & Albert de Londres.
Su mayor aporte en la fotografía de moda, fue el estilo candid (tan usado y abusado en la actualidad) lo que contrastaba con las fotos glamorosas que usualmente representan a la moda. Su trabajo, era mucho más íntimo, menos controlado, más informal (sin dejar de ser profesional), se podría decir hasta con un mood confesional.
Esta autodidacta, ha publicado un libro llamado Diary que representa diez años de trabajo pero adquiere un tono personal ya que plasma su vida y la de sus amistades.
Sera recordada por todos los que hemos apreciado su arte. Descanse en Paz Corinne.
A great loss in the world of fashion. Corinne Day, renowned photographer who became famous in the early 90's for her care-free photographs and for being one of the promoters of the career of Kate Moss, has lost her fight against a brain tumor. Apparently the treatment was unsuccessful due to the severity of the disease. Last year when her friends, including Kate Moss, learned of his illness were an auction of her most representative photographs. Even it was preparing a retrospective at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London.
Her greatest contribution to fashion photography, was candid style (as used and abused at present) which contrasted with the photos that usually represent glamorous fashion. Her work was much more intimate, less controlled, more informal (but professional), one could say even have a confessional mood.
This self-taught, has published a book called Diary which represents ten years of work but takes a personal tone as they portray her lives and their friendships.
It will be remembered by all who have appreciated her art. Rest in Peace Corinne.
Su mayor aporte en la fotografía de moda, fue el estilo candid (tan usado y abusado en la actualidad) lo que contrastaba con las fotos glamorosas que usualmente representan a la moda. Su trabajo, era mucho más íntimo, menos controlado, más informal (sin dejar de ser profesional), se podría decir hasta con un mood confesional.
Esta autodidacta, ha publicado un libro llamado Diary que representa diez años de trabajo pero adquiere un tono personal ya que plasma su vida y la de sus amistades.
Sera recordada por todos los que hemos apreciado su arte. Descanse en Paz Corinne.
A great loss in the world of fashion. Corinne Day, renowned photographer who became famous in the early 90's for her care-free photographs and for being one of the promoters of the career of Kate Moss, has lost her fight against a brain tumor. Apparently the treatment was unsuccessful due to the severity of the disease. Last year when her friends, including Kate Moss, learned of his illness were an auction of her most representative photographs. Even it was preparing a retrospective at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London.
Her greatest contribution to fashion photography, was candid style (as used and abused at present) which contrasted with the photos that usually represent glamorous fashion. Her work was much more intimate, less controlled, more informal (but professional), one could say even have a confessional mood.
This self-taught, has published a book called Diary which represents ten years of work but takes a personal tone as they portray her lives and their friendships.
It will be remembered by all who have appreciated her art. Rest in Peace Corinne.