A finales de los 90's cuando las opciones de vestir para los chicos era mas limitada (mas que ahora),existian algunas tiendas que traian ropa de afuera y una de las marcas clave era Banana Republic. Sin embargo llego el 2000 y la marca se volvio basica,aburrida e insipida. Hace unos dias vi las fotos de la nueva coleccion fall winter 2010 y por eso este post, aunque mantiene el aspecto clasico de la marca, creo que esta apostando a tener esos basicos clasicos que deberian estar en nuestros armarios: la chaquetas de pana, los blazers en tonos grises,marrones y camel desgastados, el uso de chalinas y sweaters chunky y cardigans, todo esto con accesorios como bolsos y botines con un look de "segunda mano" Espero les guste. Enjoy
In the late 90's when the clothing options for boys was more limited (more than now) there were some stores that carried clothes from abroad and one of the key brands was Banana Republic. But 2000 came and the brand became basic, boring and insipid. A few days ago I saw the pictures of the new fall winter 2010 collection and therefore this post, while retaining the classic look of the brand, I think they are betting to have these basic classics that should be in our wardrobes: the corduroy jackets, blazers,gray, brown and camel worn shades, the use of scarves and chunky sweaters and cardigans, all with accessories such as handbags and boots with a look of "second hand" Hope you like it. Enjoy
In the late 90's when the clothing options for boys was more limited (more than now) there were some stores that carried clothes from abroad and one of the key brands was Banana Republic. But 2000 came and the brand became basic, boring and insipid. A few days ago I saw the pictures of the new fall winter 2010 collection and therefore this post, while retaining the classic look of the brand, I think they are betting to have these basic classics that should be in our wardrobes: the corduroy jackets, blazers,gray, brown and camel worn shades, the use of scarves and chunky sweaters and cardigans, all with accessories such as handbags and boots with a look of "second hand" Hope you like it. Enjoy