Una nueva tragedia enluta el mundo de la moda,el modelo frances Tom Nicon ha fallecido en lo que parece ser un suicidio pasional. Esto acontecio justo un dia antes que empieze el fashion week masculino en Milan. Durante esa manana, Tom habia hecho su fitting en Versace, y luego de eso tenia que ir a su agencia pero nunca llego. Rumores afirman que fue un suicidio,ya que semanas antes habia terminado con su enamorada lo que lo habia puesto muy triste. La policia no puedo hacer nada por las lesiones que le dejo la caida.
Nicon, de 22 anos,era un regular en los desfiles de Louis Vuitton, Versace y tenia una estrecha relacion con la casa Burberry para la que hizo diversas campanas publicitarias. Una lastima que cada vez ocurran con mayor frecuencia estas tragedias dentro del mundo de la moda, pero tal vez la presion a la que son sometidos es mayor a lo que una persona pueda soportar. algo para pensar.Descansa en paz,Tom
A new tragedy mourn the world of fashion, Tom Nicon French model has died in what appears to be a suicide passion. This happened just one day before it starts the men's fashion week in Milan. During that morning, Tom had made his fitting in Versace, and after that had to go to his agency but never arrived. Rumors say it was suicide because he had broke up with his girlfriend what he had become very sad. The police cannot do anything for the injuries that left him a fall.
Nicon, 22, was a regular on the catwalks of Louis Vuitton, Versace and had a close relationship with the house Burberry which made a number of advertising campaigns. A shame that more and occur more often these tragedies in the world of fashion, but perhaps the pressure to which they are subjected is greater than what a person can handle. food for thought.Rest in peace, Tom
Nicon, de 22 anos,era un regular en los desfiles de Louis Vuitton, Versace y tenia una estrecha relacion con la casa Burberry para la que hizo diversas campanas publicitarias. Una lastima que cada vez ocurran con mayor frecuencia estas tragedias dentro del mundo de la moda, pero tal vez la presion a la que son sometidos es mayor a lo que una persona pueda soportar. algo para pensar.Descansa en paz,Tom
A new tragedy mourn the world of fashion, Tom Nicon French model has died in what appears to be a suicide passion. This happened just one day before it starts the men's fashion week in Milan. During that morning, Tom had made his fitting in Versace, and after that had to go to his agency but never arrived. Rumors say it was suicide because he had broke up with his girlfriend what he had become very sad. The police cannot do anything for the injuries that left him a fall.
Nicon, 22, was a regular on the catwalks of Louis Vuitton, Versace and had a close relationship with the house Burberry which made a number of advertising campaigns. A shame that more and occur more often these tragedies in the world of fashion, but perhaps the pressure to which they are subjected is greater than what a person can handle. food for thought.Rest in peace, Tom