Aquí otro look inspirador de las calles de Nueva York, lo interesante es que siendo invierno no hay necesidad de restingirse solo a los colores obvios de la temporada como el negro o el gris,sino que añadiendo algo de color,como en este caso el abrigo verde apastelado,a nuestro vestuario podemos dar un poco de contraste a lo apagado del panorama.El detalle de piel en los hombros,la correa y los lentes oversized completan el look.Voilá.
Here,another look from New York streets, the interesting thing is that there is no reason to restrain our wardrobe to the classic winter colores like black or gray,au contraire by adding some color,like in this case a pastel green coat, we can create some contrast with all the scene. The fur detail at the shoulders,the belt and the oversized glasses complete the whole look.Voilá.
Here,another look from New York streets, the interesting thing is that there is no reason to restrain our wardrobe to the classic winter colores like black or gray,au contraire by adding some color,like in this case a pastel green coat, we can create some contrast with all the scene. The fur detail at the shoulders,the belt and the oversized glasses complete the whole look.Voilá.
Photo©Antonio Choy-Kay
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