Abril marca un mes importante para Vogue Latinoamérica ya que estrena nueva editora en jefe,Kelly Talamas a partir de este número asume este cargo y nos trae como protagonista a la chaqueta Chanel, pieza icónica de la casa francesa, en un editorial con la modelo Ginta Lapina quien viste esta prenda de 10 maneras diferentes.Todo bajo el lente de Nagi Sakai.Voilá
April is an important month for latinamerican Vogue because kelly Talamas is their new editor in chief (after being the fashion director)and bring us as the protagonist of the main story:the Chanel jacket, iconic piece from the french house in an editorial with model Ginta Lapina who wears it in ten differents ways.All under Nagi Sakai lens. Voilá
April is an important month for latinamerican Vogue because kelly Talamas is their new editor in chief (after being the fashion director)and bring us as the protagonist of the main story:the Chanel jacket, iconic piece from the french house in an editorial with model Ginta Lapina who wears it in ten differents ways.All under Nagi Sakai lens. Voilá