Con motivo del nacimiento de la primógenita de Mónica Chacón,modelo y amiga,decidimos hacer este editorial con un poco de humor y diversión justo antes de que nazca Emilia,su hija.La idea era relacionar elementos de la maternidad y darle un look más contemporáneo y menos aburrido que se le suelen dar a las embarazadas.Fue divertido hacerlo.Enjoy
On the occasion of the birth of model and friend,Mónica Chacón's first child,we decided to make this editorial with a bit of humor and fun just before her daughter Emilia born.The idea was to relate elements of motherhood and give her a more contemporary and less boring look which will tend to give to pregnant women.It was fun to do.Enjoy
On the occasion of the birth of model and friend,Mónica Chacón's first child,we decided to make this editorial with a bit of humor and fun just before her daughter Emilia born.The idea was to relate elements of motherhood and give her a more contemporary and less boring look which will tend to give to pregnant women.It was fun to do.Enjoy
Photo:Rafo Iparraguirre
Fashion Editors:Antonio Choy-Kay & Gerardo Larrea
Model: Monica Chacón
Hair & Makeup: Fred Vásquez
Production: Joy Rosenblum
Felicitaciones por el styling y a Rafo por las fotos!
Nora A