Hace unos dias estuve en un shooting de una marca de zapatos y tuvimos la chance de usar ropa externa para el styling,y llamo mi atencion esta prenda, es de la marca Mainardi,creada por el diseñador Roger Loayza para el fashion hall de Ripley. Se trata de un chaleco con onda militar que sin duda es un must,pero que no se aferra a la tendencia de tal modo que puede formar parte del guardaropa femenino de manera atemporal.
Los detalles dorados y el acabado deshilachado complementan y hacen destacar esta prenda que combina lo cool y lo chic.Tambien hay una version en color blanco.
Lo pueden encontrar en las tiendas Ripley del Jockey Plaza. Enjoy
A few days ago I was at a shoe campaign shooting and had the chance to style with external clothes and called my attention this piece from the new brand Mainardi that designer Roger Loayza created for the Ripley fashion hall. This vest with military wave is certainly a must, but that does not cling to the trend so that may be part of the female wardrobe so timeless.
Gold accents, and frayed finish complement and make note this piece that combines the cool and the chic.Also comes in a white version.
You can find it in stores Ripley at Jockey Plaza. Enjoy
Photos: Antonio Choy Kay
Los detalles dorados y el acabado deshilachado complementan y hacen destacar esta prenda que combina lo cool y lo chic.Tambien hay una version en color blanco.
Lo pueden encontrar en las tiendas Ripley del Jockey Plaza. Enjoy
A few days ago I was at a shoe campaign shooting and had the chance to style with external clothes and called my attention this piece from the new brand Mainardi that designer Roger Loayza created for the Ripley fashion hall. This vest with military wave is certainly a must, but that does not cling to the trend so that may be part of the female wardrobe so timeless.
Gold accents, and frayed finish complement and make note this piece that combines the cool and the chic.Also comes in a white version.
You can find it in stores Ripley at Jockey Plaza. Enjoy
El chaleco
Detalles en dorado
La etiqueta
detalle de acabado deshilachado