Esta semana empezo la semana de alta costura en Paris, y aqui les muestro las colecciones de Chanel y Givenchy.
En cuanto a Chanel, Karl Lagerfeld parece proponer a una mujer de humor cambiante y con un tono dark. Eso se tradujo en la paleta de colores hacia los marrones, azul navy,camel,guinda,etc. Ademas el uso de materiales como la piel sobre tweed, cristales sobre el camel,y tercipelo en los cuadros.Por otro lado hubo un juego de proporciones: corto largo, chaquetas cortas con faldas largas.En definitiva un contraste entre la severidad y la opulencia de los trajes,versus el pelo desordenado y el maquillaje de aspecto coqueto.
This week began the week of haute couture in Paris, and here I show the collections of Chanel and Givenchy.
As for Chanel, Karl Lagerfeld seems to propose to a woman with a moody and dark tone. That translated into the color palette to browns, navy blue, camel, dark red, etc. Besides the use of materials like fur over tweed, crystals on camel, and velvet in plaids.Por other hand there was a proportions game: short length, short jackets with long skirts.In contrast between severity and opulence costumes, versus messy hair and girlie makeup .
As for Givenchy, Riccardo Tisci collection presents a condensed but oriented towards opulence, which include ostrich feathers, leather draft, the gradient and the fringe, characteristic details of their work. The color palette went to the nude, gold, white being the darker the chocolate brown. He claims that his source of inspiration were the three aspects that define Frida Kahlo: The religion, sensuality, and the anatomy humana.Este last point is the most important since many of the details were in the back of the dresses, focusing on spine. Apparently mexican painting remains an inspiration to Tisci as his resort collection was also inspired by her.

En cuanto a Chanel, Karl Lagerfeld parece proponer a una mujer de humor cambiante y con un tono dark. Eso se tradujo en la paleta de colores hacia los marrones, azul navy,camel,guinda,etc. Ademas el uso de materiales como la piel sobre tweed, cristales sobre el camel,y tercipelo en los cuadros.Por otro lado hubo un juego de proporciones: corto largo, chaquetas cortas con faldas largas.En definitiva un contraste entre la severidad y la opulencia de los trajes,versus el pelo desordenado y el maquillaje de aspecto coqueto.
This week began the week of haute couture in Paris, and here I show the collections of Chanel and Givenchy.
As for Chanel, Karl Lagerfeld seems to propose to a woman with a moody and dark tone. That translated into the color palette to browns, navy blue, camel, dark red, etc. Besides the use of materials like fur over tweed, crystals on camel, and velvet in plaids.Por other hand there was a proportions game: short length, short jackets with long skirts.In contrast between severity and opulence costumes, versus messy hair and girlie makeup .
En cuanto a Givenchy, Ricardo Tisci nos presenta una coleccion condensada pero orientada hacia la opulencia, donde destacan las plumas de avestruz, el cuero calado, el degrade y los flecos, Detalles caracteristicos de su trabajo. La paleta de color fue hacia el nude, dorado, blanco siendo lo mas oscuro el marron chocolate. Afirma que su fuente de inspiracion fueron los 3 aspecto que definen a Frida Kahlo: La religion,la sensualidad parte posterior de los vestidos, enfocandose en la columna vertebral. Al parecer la pintura mexican sigue siendo motivo de inspiracion para Tisci ya que su coleccion de resort tambien se inspiro en ella.
As for Givenchy, Riccardo Tisci collection presents a condensed but oriented towards opulence, which include ostrich feathers, leather draft, the gradient and the fringe, characteristic details of their work. The color palette went to the nude, gold, white being the darker the chocolate brown. He claims that his source of inspiration were the three aspects that define Frida Kahlo: The religion, sensuality, and the anatomy humana.Este last point is the most important since many of the details were in the back of the dresses, focusing on spine. Apparently mexican painting remains an inspiration to Tisci as his resort collection was also inspired by her.
