Kate Lanphear, la directora de estilo de T magazine, es una figura recurrente en los blogs de streetstyle y en cada fashion week es normal verla asistiendo a los desfiles rodeada de muchos fotógrafos y bloggers alrededor.Y no es díficil entender el motivo:tiene un estilo muy definido,una mezcla entre rock y high fashion con un toque urbano y masculino, con gran apoyo en los múltiples accesorios.Aunque su actitud es lo mejor: despreocupada, amable y profesional.Esa foto la tomé a la entrada de un desfile de Ralph Lauren.Voilá
Kate Lanphear, style director at T magazine,is a recurring presence at streetstyle blogs and on every fashion week we can see her going to the shows with many photographers and bloggers around her. And it's not hard to understand why:a very defined style, a blend between rock and high fashion with an urban masculine touch,with big support on accessories. But her attitude is the best:nonchalant, kind and professional. I took this picture of her at the Ralph Lauren fashion show entrance.Voilá
Kate Lanphear, style director at T magazine,is a recurring presence at streetstyle blogs and on every fashion week we can see her going to the shows with many photographers and bloggers around her. And it's not hard to understand why:a very defined style, a blend between rock and high fashion with an urban masculine touch,with big support on accessories. But her attitude is the best:nonchalant, kind and professional. I took this picture of her at the Ralph Lauren fashion show entrance.Voilá
image©antonio choy-Kay.Reproduction Prohibited.