Nueva York es una ciudad que siempre tiene algo que mostrarte,y más si es fashion week. Y el fenómeno del streetstyle, aunque criticado por muchos, sigue en pie sin querer moverse. Por ese motivo me parece interesante hacer este tipo de fotografías pero viéndolo desde mi perspectiva de editor de moda, rescatando un mezcla de personajes con determinados estilos personales que, natural o no, hacen un poco más dinámica la ciudad. Esta es una selección de fotografía y texto para la revista Asia Sur.Voilá
New York is a city that always have something new to show,and even more if its fashion week. The streetstyle phenomenon, criticized for some, standing still on ots own. For that reason i 've found interesting shot these images from my point of view as a fashion editor, rescuing a mix of characters with personal style, that natural or not, make this city more dynamic. These is a selection of images and text for Asia Sur magazine.Voila.
New York is a city that always have something new to show,and even more if its fashion week. The streetstyle phenomenon, criticized for some, standing still on ots own. For that reason i 've found interesting shot these images from my point of view as a fashion editor, rescuing a mix of characters with personal style, that natural or not, make this city more dynamic. These is a selection of images and text for Asia Sur magazine.Voila.
All images ©antonio choy-kay. Reproduction Prohibited / Reproducción prohibida