La primera vez que la entrevistamos fue en febrero de este año en el backstage del fashion week en Nueva York, y la experiencia fue increible el conocer a un personaje del mundo de la moda tan importante. Grande fue nuestra sorpresa cuando nos enteramos que Carolina Herrera, junto a su hija Carolina Herrera Baez, visitarían Lima pero primera vez con motivo de la inauguración de la primera boutique CH en el Perú. Además, como editores de moda de la revista Somos, teníamos la misión de entrevistarla una vez más. No hay palabras al describir la experiencia de tener la oportunidad de conversar,por casi una hora, sobre diversos aspectos de la moda y de su colaboración con la Iniciativa ser que lucha contra el cáncer de mama.No sólo es una de las grandes de la moda pero también una persona muy sincera,elegante y amable.Gracias a Puig y Llorente&Cuenca por su colaboración.Enjoy
The first time we interviewed her was this February at the backstage of fashion week in New York, and the experience was incredible to know a such important figure from the world of fashion so important. Great was our surprise when we found out that Carolina Herrera, with her daughter Carolina Herrera Baez would visit Lima for the first time at the opening of the first CH boutique in Peru. Also, as fashion editors of the Somos magazine, we had the mission to interview her again. There are no words to describe the experience of having the opportunity to talk for nearly an hour, on various aspects of fashion and its collaboration with the Iniciativa SER who fights breast cancer.Not only she is the grand dame of fashion but a elegant, honest and very kind person.Special Thanks to Puig and Llorente & Cuenca for your cooperation. Enjoy
Interview by Antonio Choy-Kay & Gerardo Larrea, Fashion editors SOMOS magazine.
The first time we interviewed her was this February at the backstage of fashion week in New York, and the experience was incredible to know a such important figure from the world of fashion so important. Great was our surprise when we found out that Carolina Herrera, with her daughter Carolina Herrera Baez would visit Lima for the first time at the opening of the first CH boutique in Peru. Also, as fashion editors of the Somos magazine, we had the mission to interview her again. There are no words to describe the experience of having the opportunity to talk for nearly an hour, on various aspects of fashion and its collaboration with the Iniciativa SER who fights breast cancer.Not only she is the grand dame of fashion but a elegant, honest and very kind person.Special Thanks to Puig and Llorente & Cuenca for your cooperation. Enjoy
Interview by Antonio Choy-Kay & Gerardo Larrea, Fashion editors SOMOS magazine.