Para aquellos que viven y respiran moda,me incluyo, uno de sus más grandes, y vivos, exponentes es el diseñador tunisio, Azzedine Alaia. Aunque ya no hace desfiles y su presencia es más discreta, odia el marketing a la que las casas de moda están expuestas en la actualidad, es uno de los grandes genios del diseño. Hace poco leí una entrevista en la cual da unos comentarios muy directos sobre la industria de la moda,asi que decidí hacer un pequeño post con un par de fotografías del Vogue en los años noventa,en plena era de las supermodelos. enjoy
For those who live and breath fashion,i'm included, one of the largest and living exponents is the Tunisian designer, Azzedine Alaia. Although he doesn't do fashion shows anymore and their presence is more discreet, hate the marketing that the fashion houses are now exposed, is one of the great geniuses of the design. I recently read an interview in which he gives some very direct comments about the fashion industry, so I decided to do a little post with a couple of photographs of Vogue from the nineties, in the era of supermodels. enjoy
For those who live and breath fashion,i'm included, one of the largest and living exponents is the Tunisian designer, Azzedine Alaia. Although he doesn't do fashion shows anymore and their presence is more discreet, hate the marketing that the fashion houses are now exposed, is one of the great geniuses of the design. I recently read an interview in which he gives some very direct comments about the fashion industry, so I decided to do a little post with a couple of photographs of Vogue from the nineties, in the era of supermodels. enjoy
dans la rue de la verriere and moussy. PAris 75004