La colección que presentaron Domenico Dolce y Stefano Gabbana hoy para la temporada de primavera verano 2012 en Milán, tenía como tema principal la pesca como actividad. Looks a lo Oliver Twist Mezclado con innovaciones textiles que simulaban las redes de pescar, conjugado con la sensualidad mediterránea, hizo que sea una propuesta sólidad y para el hombre de hoy.
The spring summer 2012 collection presented by Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana today in Milan, had the main theme of fishing as an activity.Looks to Oliver Twist Mixed with textile innovations that simulated fishing nets, combined with the Mediterranean sensuality, it made a proposal to consolidate and for a contemporary man.
The spring summer 2012 collection presented by Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana today in Milan, had the main theme of fishing as an activity.Looks to Oliver Twist Mixed with textile innovations that simulated fishing nets, combined with the Mediterranean sensuality, it made a proposal to consolidate and for a contemporary man.
En cuanto a los trajes formales, se rescata los blazers de un botón ya sea recto o cruzado, con skinny ties,basta remangadas, y con zapatos sin medias.
In terms of suits, one button blazers are rescued whether straight or crossed, with skinny ties, rolled up pants, and shoes without socks.
La silueta es fit y en algunos casos los pantalones y short son un poco mas sueltos,sinónimo de relajo.
The clothes showed a slim fit but some pants and shorts were loose and very relaxed.
El desfile cerró con looks en total white, propios para la temporada.
The fashion show closed with total white looks,very IN for the season.
La tela que simula red de pescar es aplicada en shorts, blazers, pantalones,etc.
The fabric that simulates fish net is applied in shorts, blazers, trousers, etc.
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