Una inyección de color a la ciudad durante el invierno fue el concepto de este editorial para la revista J. El contraste del fondo gris de la ciudad con el uso de colores primarios y secundarios fue clave, además de la inclusión de texturas y estampados gráficos para complementar la propuesta.Voilá
An injection of color to the city during winter was the main concept of this editorial for J magazine.The contrast with the grey background and the use of primary and secondary colors was key, but also adding some textures and graphic prints to complete the proposal. Voilá
An injection of color to the city during winter was the main concept of this editorial for J magazine.The contrast with the grey background and the use of primary and secondary colors was key, but also adding some textures and graphic prints to complete the proposal. Voilá
Photographer: Rafo Iparraguirre
Fashion Editors: Antonio Choy-Kay & Gerardo Larrea
Model: Arianna Valcarcel
Hair & Makeup: Bertha Yanama
Production: Alex Bazán - Denisse Alegría