El diseñador belga Dries Van Noten, tenía una cosa en mente para su colección primavera verano 2012: las actividades al aire libre. Tales como: pesca, montañismo,etc; creando un contraste entre lo suave y estructurado. Enjoy
The Belgian designer Dries Van Noten, had one thing in mind for his spring summer collection 2011: outdoor activities. Such as fishing, hiking, etc., creating a high-contrast between soft and structured. Enjoy
The Belgian designer Dries Van Noten, had one thing in mind for his spring summer collection 2011: outdoor activities. Such as fishing, hiking, etc., creating a high-contrast between soft and structured. Enjoy
El layering destaca en la mezcla de prendas en telas sintéticas con naturales.
The layering was a highlight mixing pieces in synthetic fabrics with natural ones.
Un tema recurrente son las rayas aplicadas en sweaters, trench coats,camisas y pantalones.
A recurring theme is stripes,applied in sweaters, trench coats, shirts and pants.
La colección cierra con una gama de color azul oscuro y borgoño.
The collection closes with a range of dark blue and burgundy.
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